Our Services

Worship > Our Services

Sundays 8:00 am

Holy Eucharist Service

For this early service the liturgy comes from Enriching Our Worship as authorized by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. This is a brief, but beautiful, spoken (no music) Holy Eucharist service.

Sundays 10:00 am

Traditional Worship

A traditional Rite II Episcopal service with Holy Eucharist and traditional music sung by the congregation and/or by the choir. The Last Supper provides the basis for the fourfold eucharistic action of taking, blessing, breaking, and sharing. Christ's body and blood are really present in the sacrament of the eucharist and received by faith. Christ's presence is also known in the gathered eucharistic community.

During the months of August – May, Children’s Sunday School meet during the first half of the 10:00am service. Any child ages 4 through 5th Grade is welcome to join us! You can drop your kids off before the service and they will return to you in your pew in time to share in the Holy Eucharist.

The Nursery is available year-round for children up to 3 years old and is available until the conclusion of service.

Sundays 11:30 am

Steel Drum Service / Celtic Service

A shorter service that includes Holy Eucharist.

The “Sandals, Shorts, & Steel Drum” service is a contemporary service and occurs all but one Sunday per month. Everyone attending joins in by playing a percussion instrument with the Steel Drum music. Come as you are; Everyone is welcome!

On the first Sunday of each month, we have the Celtic Service at 11:30 which is also a shorter service with Holy Eucharist. Our Celtic Worship Service is a nod to the liturgical traditions of early Celtic Christians.

 Grab your family, neighbors and work friends - Join us!

Wednesdays 10:30 am

Traditional Worship

A Short Wednesday Morning Eucharist with a conversational homily. On the first Wednesday of the month there is a healing service and Holy Eucharist.

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