What to Expect

Welcome > What to Expect

How We Worship

Upon entering the church, you will be greeted by an usher who will give you a bulletin. You may take a seat anywhere you like. We typically use two books at our services – the red Book of Common Prayer and the blue Hymnal 1982. The scripture readings are found in your bulletin.

Children of any age are welcome in the service. Children’s worship bulletins and crayons are available from the usher. If your youngest child(ren), infant through 3 years would be more comfortable in a playtime setting, we offer a supervised nursery in the connecting Christopher Building. An usher will assist you in locating the nursery. Additionally, our Children’s Sunday School is offered for children 4 years through 5th grade for the first part of the 10am service, August through May.

All Christians are invited to receive Holy Communion. A drop of communion wine has been placed on the communion wafer, representing the full sacrament of Christ. We do not drink from the common cup. You may additionally dip your communion wafer in the cup.If you do not wish to receive the bread or wine, but still want a blessing, just cross your arms over your chest at the altar rail to receive a blessing.

After the 10am service, please join us for Coffee Hour to share a light bite and meet some of the members of our Parish.

Why St Pauls by-the-Sea

If you ask our parishioners, they will tell you that St. Paul's by-the-Sea is special for one main reason – its people. The SPBTS experience embodies the scripture "where two or three are gathered in His name, there I am in the midst of them." We are a faithful community who see Christ in each other and in the world around us. Through worship, work, and play, we truly enjoy each other's company and give and receive unconditional support.

Worship in the

Episcopal Church

We are a liturgical church. During worship, people participate through their verbal responses, readings from Holy Scripture, singing of hymns, offering prayers, and by receiving Holy Communion. Worship is corporate in nature because the congregation shares in all aspects of the liturgy. The silence at various intervals provides time for the individual to think and reflect on his or her personal experience with God.

Practices vary, even among individual Episcopalians, as to when it is appropriate to sit, to stand, or to kneel. Watch the people sitting around you for clues and do whatever feels comfortable. Do not worry about "doing it right." The important thing is simply that you know that God and St. Paul’s by-the-Sea welcomes you.

To learn more about the Episcopal Church, click the link below.


Book of Common Prayer

Words to our liturgy are found in The Book of Common Prayer (BCP). You will find both prayers for daily use and prayers for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

The Book of Common Prayer has evolved over the years. The first Prayer Book is attributed to Thomas Cranmer, who, in 1549, drew on traditional resources to create services that were prayed in English for the first time. This collection of both prayers and responses provides the basic structure for the current Prayer Book being used in the Episcopal Church. The version we use today was last revised in 1979.

The Book of Common Prayer is available on the web.

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