SPBTS Foundation

Our Mission

St. Paul’s by-the-Sea, our mission is deeply rooted in faith, compassion, and community.

Through the power of giving, the St. Paul's by-the-Sea (SPBTS) Foundation, provides for the long-term needs and extraordinary programs of our parish.

Contributions are managed according to the donor’s wishes, if specified, and Foundation bylaws and policies.

Established for the Future of Our Parish

The SPBTS Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, established to provide for the long-term needs and extraordinary programs of our parish. The Foundation supports religious, educational, charitable, capital and planned giving programs that are beyond what is possible through the annual parish operating budget.

The SPBTS Endowment Fund is managed by the SPBTS Foundation Board. Gifts and bequeaths are managed in accordance with Foundation guidelines and are designated as principal-restricted or unrestricted, according to the donors’ intentions and Foundation policies.

The “Tree of Life Membership Society” recognizes any person who has made a provision for the Endowment Fund in their estate plan or who makes an immediate gift of $1000 or more to the Endowment Fund.

How We Work

The Foundation is governed by a twelve-member Board of Directors consisting of the

St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Rector, the Senior Warden, a Vestry member appointed by the Vestry, and nine at-large, elected directors. Elected Foundation Board Members serve a three-year term.


Principal restricted funds are invested in perpetuity and only the earnings are available for use. Gifts and funds that are not restricted may be made available for use in accordance with donor specified wishes and Foundation policies. Examples of specific purposes may include scholarships, youth, community outreach, parish capital improvements, and planned giving programs.

Foundation policies prohibit the use of assets for ordinary operating expense or ordinary maintenance and repair expenses of St. Paul's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church.

SPBTS Foundation

Empowering through Grants, Scholarships, Special Projects


Episcopal Educational Institutions

The Foundation Articles of Incorporation provide for education scholarships to Episcopal educational institutions. As a result of the generosity of the Steel and Brodt families and many others, the Foundation provides eligible parish children with scholarship support to attend Episcopal Schools of Jacksonville-Beaches Campus. The Foundation has also awarded continuing education gifts to the parish’s graduating high school seniors; and offered support for individuals attending seminarian programs.


Community Outreach Funding

Grants from the Foundation have provided community outreach funding for programs such as Meals-on-Wheels, Mission House, Pablo Towers, Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry, Dial-A-Ride, and Beaches Habitat for Humanity. Seed money from the Foundation has provided support for new deacon stipend; new youth ministry and worship programs and most recently, a new parish communication program.

Capital Projects

Capital Improvements

Over its history, Foundation funds have also supported capital improvements for the benefit of the parish; Camp Weed; youth program spaces; and for enhancements to the Christopher building.

To find out more about our grants or scholarship programs,

please contact us.

SPBTS Foundation: How You Can Help

Capital Projects


Consider making St Paul's by-the-Sea a beneficiary in your will or trust. Even a small gift can go a long way in advancing our work. Your gift can be for a designated purpose of the Foundation or for general Foundation use. Please contact us for further information about making or designating a bequeath.


Tree of Lift Society

Tree of Life Membership Society

Become a member of the Tree of Life Membership Society. The Tree of Life Membership Society is open to any person who has made a provision for SPBTS in his or her estate, regardless of the size of the gift; or provided an immediate gift of cash or other in-kind instrument with a value of at least $1,000. We welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you further.


Gifts of Gratitude

Gifts in memory of or in honor

Another way to support the Endowment Fund is by making a gift of gratitude or gift in honor of, or in memory of someone. Gifts may be made in any amount at any time and may be made in lieu of flowers at memorial or funeral services; requested in obituaries; or given in celebration of life events such as birthdays, anniversaries, or other important dates for loved ones.

Please contact us if you would like to make a gift of gratitude, or in memory of or in honor of someone. Your gift may be personally acknowledged or can be made anonymously.


Gifts of Time and Talent

Through the annual parish elections, our parish members are invited to apply for and, if elected, serve on our parish leadership boards. Every member of our Foundation brings a unique and varied set of skills to our Foundation. As SPBTS parish member, please consider sharing your wisdom, faith, and expertise by serving on the Foundation Board for a 3-year term.

The Foundation also needs parish members to serve on Foundation Committees, including its investment, fundraising and grants committees. We need helping hands for Foundation events, including fundraising and planned giving activities, or just to spread the word about the great things that the Foundation does. Please let a Foundation Board member know if you are interested in volunteer opportunities. If you have questions and/or if you want to become involved with the Foundation and its activities, please send us an email.

SPBTS Foundation Members

Every member of our Foundation is a thought leader who has made significant contributions to our society. Each one brings a unique set of skills and expertise to our Foundation.


Warren Chandler (2024)- Chair

Reva Bond (2024) - Vice Chair

Linda Armitage (2025) - Secretary

Dwin Ford (2027) - Treasurer/ Investment Committee Chair


David Fletcher (2025)

Glenn Milton (2023) Senior Warden, Vestry

George Schoonover (2025)

Gretchen Henson (2027)

Susie Miller (2027)

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